The Other Side Podcast Network :  Our other shows

TuxJam 104 – Libre Regata

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The boys are back after a summer break. They begin with their usual roundup of recent releases from distrowatch. Next up they set sail for Brazil, virtually, and take a look at gaming distro RegataOS. Following that we take a look at YouTube Android player LibreTube which you can get from F-Droid and close with a brief review of the last Podcrawl Jitsi. Remember we do like feedback so please do get in touch.

Along with the usual mix of Creative Commons tracks:

TuxJam 103.5

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We don’t start with our usual round up from distrowatch, nor do we review anything nor conclude with feedback. We do however have tunes and a yarn with Kevie and Andrew (aka mcnalu). This is just a short show we recorded to inform listeners of the upcoming Podcrawl Jitsi at 18:00BST (17:00 UTC) on Saturday 19 August. Hope to see you there!

The creative common tune played during this show is:

Drink up me mateys by Black Bones

TuxJam 103 – Like PCs in a Pod

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The terrible triumvirate of Kevie, Dave (aka the Bug of Love) and Andrew (the Son of Nalu) reunite for another jamming of the Tux. Into the preserve we toss a random sample of FOSS goodness reduced with sweet creative commons tuneage. Following the usual perusing of the Watch of the Distros, we take a look at the venerable linux distribution, the Operating System of the Linux PC (PCLinuxOS). We then review the android app Podverse which is a catcher of the pods. As usual we end with a review of feedback.

All this along with the usual mix of Creative Commons tracks:

TuxJam 102 – In Tuba Void

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WARNING: This episode, its show notes, and title contain puns which may be injurious to health.

In this episode Kevie, Dave (aka thelovebug) and Andrew (aka mcnalu), surf distrowatch then plunge into the void to test out Void Linux, an independent distro not built on any other.

Being fellows of the fediverse, they take a look at the desktop client, and Tootle fork, Tuba. Listeners equipped with a keen eye or two might notice that Tuba offers a package specifically for Void Linux which made its review unavoidable in this show.

And, as always, the techie talk is interspersed with the usual mix of CCMusic:

TuxJam 101 – Taste of Vanilla

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TuxJam 101? Are we going back to basics? Yes! The basics being the usual creative commons tunes, free and open source software and good beer. In this show, Kevie, Dave (aka thelovebug) and Andrew (aka mcnalu) start with their usual roundup from

We take a look at Vanilla OS and, although we liked what we saw, we didn’t get to see as much as we’d like due to various technical issues which we will feed back to the developers.

Spider Graph with custom values

Next up, we look at the beverage taste tracking app Flavordex and – purely as a service to you, dear listener – force ourselves to consume beer and whisky (with no e!) so we can enter something into the app.

We end with a roundup of feedback and note that Andrew will be attending (or have attended) FOSDEM on 4-5 Feb 2023 and co-manning the Free Culture Podcasts stand there. The next podcrawl is set for 25 March, just after the vernal equinox, in which we will raise a glass to the arrival of spring.

Creative commons licensed tunes played in this episode:

TuxJam 100 – Alpine Assault

TuxJam logo depicting Tux on a mixer desk with a crowd in the background.

In the centenary episode of TuxJam, Andrew, Dave and Kevie take a look at some (poorly linked) festive themed items, including a review of build-it-yourself distro Alpine Linux and Simple Contacts (because we all need to dig out these addresses to send the Christmas cards to). We thank all of our listeners for putting up with us for 100 shows, as we go into the new year we raise a glass to the next 100.

We also talk about the new dedicated TuxJam Mastodon account, the upcoming Podcrawl and also a show that Kevie was on recently talking about beer (Wee Heavies in particular) with Rob Talks About Beer. You can check this out here. This along with the usual mix of ccmusic round off this festive and milestone episode:

TuxJam 99 – Gifts For Geeks 2022

Stocking Filler (under £10)

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Low (£10-25)



Wow, you really love them (silly money)!!!


TuxJam 98 – Simply Stylish SMS

tuxjam logo with Tux wearing a pair of headphones on a turntable mixing desk.

As we approach our centenary episode Andrew, Dave and Kevie take a look at Arch based distro CachyOS and continue looking at the Simple Tools Suite with a review of Simple SMS Messenger.

Along with the usual mix of CC Music:

TuxJam 97 – A Simple Risc

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Creeping ever closer to our centenary, in this 97th episode Dave (aka thelovebug), Kevie and Andrew (aka mcnalu) look at RISC OS Open on the Raspberry Pi. This OS and the Pi share a common history. RISC OS grew out of Acorn’s need to replace the 8-bit 6502 processor in their BBC microcomputer and led them to create a new RISC processor called ARM. ARM processors now power most of our mobile phones, tablets and also some computers, such as the Raspberry Pi.

We continue our look at the Simple Tool Suite with Simple File Manager Pro and also consider the merits of the recently announced Simple Phone.

Along with the usual mix of ccmusic:

TuxJam 96 – Xeger Beaver

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Andrew (aka mcnalu), Dave (aka thelovebug) and Kevie return after summers that were cold, hot and just right, respectively. They start off with the usual roundup of new releases on distrowatch and then look at the linux distro Xebian, and even try to pronounce it properly. Those who like complex data wrangling may be interested in our look at the GUI database management software DBeaver (community edition), but if you prefer to browse through your snaps then perhaps Simple Gallery might be of more interest.

DBeaver in action

Along with the usual mix of Creative Commons music: