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TuxJam 114 – Pachways

The FOSSy foursome of Al, Andrew, Dave and Kevie return for another bout of linuxy software spiced with creative common tunes.

We begin as always with a round-up of recent releases from distrowatch. Next we review Waydroid which allows you to efficiently run an Android environment if you happen to be running Wayland. Then we take a look at Pachli which is an Android client for Mastodon forked from the Tusky/Husky codebase.

We finish up with a round-up of feedback and offer up a couple of dates that you might want to pop into your diary:

  • Podcrawl Late Summer 2024 on Saturday 31 August from 18:00 UK time (BST).
  • OggCamp 2024 on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October 2024, Manchester UK.

Perhaps you would like some TuxJam merch? Thanks to the talents of our very own Kevie we now have designs in our Redbubble shop.


  1. Leeona – Taste
  2. Arrow & Olive – Whisky Woman
  3. CJ Redan – Cabin Fever
  4. Infraction – Retro Games

Author: Kevie Macphail

Kevie is from the Outer Hebrides, in the north west of Scotland,UK. He started podcasting with TuxJam back in 2011 and followed this by co-hosting tech-themed, discussion show Crivins along with Gordon Sinclair. A full time Linux user, currently using Debian as his distro of choice, and a keen promoter of unknown artists/bands, especially those who release their music under a Creative Commons license, this led Kevie to starting the CCJam community podcast. Always keen to spread the word on Creative Commons music and open source projects, Kevie has appeared as a guest on the Bugcast, Hacker Public Radio, Music Manumit Podcast, Rathole Radio and TINT.

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