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TuxJam 7

In the seventh episode of TuxJam we take a brief look at Turnkey Linux, Crunchbang and Crux. This is followed by an indepth look at the libre gnu/Linux distro Trisquel, Quassel IRC client and Diaspora Webclient on the android platform.

As well as the tracks:

TuxJam 3

In this episode we take a brief look at FrugalWare Linux 1.5 RC1, FreeNAS 8.1 beta4, Aptosid 2011-02, SMS 1.61 and Pardus 2011.1. These are followed by a more indepth Look at Linvo GNU/Linux 2010.12.6, which was released on 13.07.11 despite it’s name.
On the Linux Desktop we look at WeeChat,
a lightweight and fast CLI chat client, that provides a wealth of
customization for power users. We take a look at two open source,
Android micro blogging applications; Zwitscher and Mustard.
TuxJam is now listed on and also gets a mention in the TINAP and Bugcast podcasts. Aswell as some feedback from Andrew Conway and Marie Axlesson.

The tracks today were as follows: