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TuxJam 111 – Making a Meal of IT

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Our quadriga of Al, Andrew, Dave and Kevie begin with their usual round-up of recent releases from distrowatch but then go off-piste from our usual format. There’s no distro review in this episode but we split into two teams to look at the Mealie self-hosted service and the unofficial Android client for it called Mealient. We finish up with a round-up of feedback received since the last episode.

Along with the usual mix of Creative Commons music:

Author: Kevie Macphail

Kevie is from the Outer Hebrides, in the north west of Scotland,UK. He started podcasting with TuxJam back in 2011 and followed this by co-hosting tech-themed, discussion show Crivins along with Gordon Sinclair. A full time Linux user, currently using Debian as his distro of choice, and a keen promoter of unknown artists/bands, especially those who release their music under a Creative Commons license, this led Kevie to starting the CCJam community podcast. Always keen to spread the word on Creative Commons music and open source projects, Kevie has appeared as a guest on the Bugcast, Hacker Public Radio, Music Manumit Podcast, Rathole Radio and TINT.

One thought on “TuxJam 111 – Making a Meal of IT”

  1. Although I am very much like Andrew and probably would not have a use for the Mealie service or corresponding app, I did find the technology quite intriguing.
    Was quite surprised that Kevie did not make reference to Mealy Puddings as a name-drop or example recipe. Such a staple of Scottish cuisine.

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